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History is a narrative. He who weaves the threads of its story wields considerable power. And virtually without exception, it's been men...

It's Not You; It's Me

I've not enjoyed the last couple of weeks. They've left me feeling pretty flat, pretty resentful. I've found it hard to muster the degree...

It's over now!

English cricket fans - specifically those who are crying foul at the fair and legitimate dismissal of Johnny Bairstow - are being held to...


The complexities surrounding #wokeness, #cancelculture and the myriad other hashtags that are currently knotted through society right now...

After America

The ping comes clear through the murky inter-babble; The great division! 19 into 45. I begin to knit like a polluted saint; threading...


It’s reassuring, I think, to encounter representations and perspectives that allow us to feel good about who and where we are. And if...

Racism in Australia. Again.

Been a lot of discussion about racism in Australia of late, what with the return of Pauline Hanson and the horrendous global terror...


(Reflections on memory) It was pretty crisp when I went for a walk this morning. It's a feeling I like. Part of the newness of the day, I...

Paper Trials

On Saturday, I went to Belmont Forum with Rosie after taking her to her swimming lesson. (Which was great, by the way; the girl is a...

Ben Shapiro? Is a thing?

I don't spend a lot of time in the dustier corners of the inter-web, so I've just discovered a bloke by the name of Ben Shapiro. What an...

Peppa Patriarchy

One of the cool things about literary readings is that they can be applied to anything. All they do is filter a text's content through a...

Serena Williams and racist cartoons

HOW TO EXPLAIN THE SERENA WILLIAMS CARTOON CONTROVERSY - WHY THE CARTOON IS RACIST. I can understand why some - even many - people might...

Language 101

I hate it when things aren't properly described. I mean, the other day, I heard that a light plane had crashed somewhere. Terrible, of...

The Manger and the Fire

Christmas thoughts on Climate Change Even you're a climate change sceptic (ie. anti-science numpty), you'd think you'd want more out of a...

America Falling.

The world has long known that despite its endless boasting, America is not - and likely has never been - the greatest country on earth....

Stand and Spin

I woke this morning to hear that British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is in a spot of bother over an off-the-cuff comment that the...

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