I Will ALWAYS Stand with Ukraine!
I've seen some disgraceful things in my time, but I've never felt quite so sickened as when I learned of the televised Oval Office...
Boola Bardip!
Read. Listen. Think. Write. Repeat.
I've seen some disgraceful things in my time, but I've never felt quite so sickened as when I learned of the televised Oval Office...
To call Gene Hackman the consummate actor undersells him. He was extraordinary. Unable to rely on looks or even an everyman charm, he...
January 27th was Holocaust Remembrance Day. It's still difficult to comprehend the deliberate and organised horror of the Holocaust,...
Mars? According to the ABC's News website, Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley has compared the arrival of the First Fleet with Elon Musk's...
What a century. All obituaries risk hagiography, but in some cases, the thing that honours most truthfully is simplicity. Jimmy Carter...
When I look beyond myself, my physical self, my self-tracked atoms my bagged, wet flesh and my well-worn bones, I see all directions and...
Never get into an argument with a zealot or a fool. Joe Biden would have done well to remember this in his really rather terrible debate...
History is a narrative. He who weaves the threads of its story wields considerable power. And virtually without exception, it's been men...
Karl Wallinger died far too young. We know for certain that he had a great deal more music in him because he'd told us so. He was in the...
When people talk about the Indiana Jones films, they tend to speak of them as a franchise, which is an understandable if flawed way to...
Everybody Listen Up! I must confess that Band of Horses are a band I've neglected since purchasing their debut back in 2006. It was an...
LET'S GO DEEPER DOWN... If there's a perceptible difference between the solo work of Neil Finn and the post-Hester Crowded House, it's...
This happened back in 2010... Last night, my wife and I had the rare pleasure of going to hear the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra....
Released in 1997 to somewhat mixed reviews, Andromeda Heights is somewhat of an outlier in Prefab Sprout's oeuvre due to its lush...
The Gift of Divine Grace I am a Catholic, and I am at peace with this. It was not always so; theological certainties aren't easily...
New Year So! You've turned the page again, You look perplexed, my new-old friend. What once was now, has become then. It must be strange,...
Liffey For Shane McGowan (1957 - 2023) Broken poet, glorious mess, Penny-whistle novelist, Dublin's Boy. Bellow at the sun, serenade the...
I've resisted writing about the horrific situation in Gaza because of the difficulty of dispassionately examining any situation in which...
October 14, 2023, is the date on which Australia collectively determined to deny Aboriginal Australia its rightful place in our nation's...
I've not enjoyed the last couple of weeks. They've left me feeling pretty flat, pretty resentful. I've found it hard to muster the degree...
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