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Read. Listen. Think. Write. Repeat.

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Stand and Spin

I woke this morning to hear that British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is in a spot of bother over an off-the-cuff comment that the...


I'd like to make it clear from the outset that I'm a big fan of the vuvuzela, if for no other reason than it brings some much-needed...

Shut Up and Listen.

It's been quite ridiculously cold in Perth these last few mornings. Frost on the ground. Frost on Windows. Frost on pets and duvets, for...

The Stench of Brut

I'm displeased to report that Brut still stinks. As a product, it seems to possess no redeeming features of any kind, and the puerile...


I'll never forget the time my wife and I climbed a mountain. We were in Thailand, and it was 2010. (A lifetime ago!) We'd been told that...


Once, when on holiday in Thailand, my wife and I ate dinner in a little village called Ao Nang, which is about half an hour's taxi ride...

Blowing Smoke

I detest smoking. I try not to detest smokers, but I don't try that hard. Part of the reason for this, I think, is that I was once a...

Is that it?

On route to dinner with some mates last night, I noticed a new advertisement for a "toasted sandwich" that was being promoted by a...

The Social Network

There are films, books or songs that societies hurl into the limelight from time to time. Some, like "Mambo Number Five", are novelty...

Fast Food, Slow Death

It seems that fast food has been on the receiving end of some unwanted attention of late; at least, it's unwanted from the point of view...

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