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After America

The ping comes clear through the murky inter-babble; The great division! 19 into 45. I begin to knit like a polluted saint; threading...

Dean Jones

Dean Jones (1961 - 2020) I met Dean Jones when I was about thirteen years old. At that time, I was cricket-obsessed and a member of...

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Ruth Bader Ginsberg (1933 - 2020) With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, America has suffered an incalculable loss. The phrase 'we will...


Sheets Twisting in the wind, a contorted sheet clinging to a hanging line, wrung out and skin-boned I echo the moments around corners,...

The Crow on the Spire

The Crow on the Spire Standing by the gravestone, wet, waiting for the hollowness to fill itself. The crow on the spire caws presently;...


It’s reassuring, I think, to encounter representations and perspectives that allow us to feel good about who and where we are. And if...

George Martin

The Fifth Beatle is no more. The world owes Sir George Martin an extraordinary debt of gratitude. If it were not for him, the musical...


After a shortish drive (given the kids in the car), we arrive in York. Harry only asks whether or not we are there, yet,...

Paper Trials

On Saturday, I went to Belmont Forum with Rosie after taking her to her swimming lesson. (Which was great, by the way; the girl is a...

Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen, one the greatest poets of all time, has left our world. Even though he was both 82 and in increasingly poor health, this...

Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry (1926 - 2017) Chuck Berry was a prick. It's fairly well documented. He was busted (and jailed) for tax evasion, filmed women...

The Lost Boys

Education's Greatest Challenge in the 21st Century. The other week, I learned of the death of a 20 year old man. I knew him. He was a...

Malcolm Young

Malcolm Young (1953 - 2017) Malcolm Young is arguably the most important musician this country has ever produced. Big call? Yes. But...

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