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Read. Listen. Think. Write. Repeat.

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That's a bit rough...

Cheating in cricket isn't cool. Cheating isn't cool. 'Sandpaper-gate' reminds all of us that Australian cricketers are role models, and...

Ben Shapiro? Is a thing?

I don't spend a lot of time in the dustier corners of the inter-web, so I've just discovered a bloke by the name of Ben Shapiro. What an...

Peppa Patriarchy

One of the cool things about literary readings is that they can be applied to anything. All they do is filter a text's content through a...

Language 101

I hate it when things aren't properly described. I mean, the other day, I heard that a light plane had crashed somewhere. Terrible, of...

Bohemian Rhapsody

A few friends, knowing that I'm a Queen nut, asked me about the accuracy of the film, Bohemian Rhapsody. So, if you're interested, here...

Scott Walker

Scott Walker (1943 - 2019) By 1995, I was well on the way to being a music obsessive. Me and a few mates from uni would head into 78...

The Sacred Remains

The devastation of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is an undeniable tragedy. Such beauty, such history torn apart by fire; a place of...

Good Friday

When I was a kid, and an altar server, Holy Week was a busy time. Palm Sunday, the Blessing of the Oils, Holy Thursday, and then, Good...

Olive Trees

Olive trees in our garden in fruit on ANZAC Day our children pick them; the aubergine lustre and sweetness rubbed concealing the...

Imperial Letter

IMPERIAL LEATHER SOAP - A letter Dear Mr/Mrs Leather, I like your soap in that, well, it's soap. It gets soapy. Decent lather. (More on...

Greta Thunberg

When I look at Greta Thunberg doing everything in her power to rouse the leaders of the world into urgently acting on Climate Change, I...

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